Monday, April 6, 2009

Abrahamson: CONVICTED of being an activist Judge! Vote Tuesday April 7th 2009 to return the power to the peope!

Please vote Tuesday April 7th 2009. The Wisconsin Supreme Court race is between current activist Judge Shirley Abrahamson and strict constructionist Judge Randy Koschnick. Unlike commonly in a national election, your 1 vote can make a HUGE difference! There is expected to be a relatively low voter turnout (estimated to be between 10-20%) and that helps the underdog, Judge Randy Koschnick. The big special interest group/activist/big labor/union controlled Shirley is almost bought and paid for....$1,000,000 to secure another 10 years of activist rule on the state’s highest court. Don't let it happen, vote Tuesday for Judge Randy Koschnick. He will enforce the constitution as it is written, not how the people who pay Shirley’s bills will want it interpreted. And she owes them BIG TIME now...$1,000,000 plus!

We have a lot of important issues coming before the court in the near future and we don't want an activist Judge (politically conservative or liberal for that matter) bending our sacred constitution to their personal will.

Our founding fathers, along with many other brave men and women since them, have fought and died to create and then preserve our way of life, borders, language and culture. A major cornerstone in the success of that culture is the three branches of government. An activist Judge usurps the power invested in the ordinary everyday people of this great state of Wisconsin by reading things into it that are not there but that they personally wish were there. If a law needs to be changed, we already have an avenue for that, it's called the legislature. That is also where the partisan things should play out also....we are a republic, not a democracy. Our elected official vote for us and if we don’t like them, we vote them out. I am perfectly ok with that because then we have a system of checks and balances. An activist Judge is unbridled power and devastates the rest of the system.

Judge Koschnick does a brilliant job of outlining the writing on the wall of what has been happening and what will continue to happen if we don’t' stop Shirley from driving us further down that path. Visit

Vote Koschnick on Tuesday for change and say "NO!" to special interest big money controlling your judicial system!

Two down, one big inJUSTICE to go!

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